Angel Wings Gold

by Angelina Ramirez
Angel Wings Gold
Angelina Ramirez
Mixed Media - Mixed Media
My full name is Angelina, but my friends call me Angel. I am not sure if it's because of my name or not...but I have always loved wings. Real ones, imaginary ones, the idea of adding wings on animals that don't have wings. I am sure part of my fascination is because I have flown so many times in my dreams. So many times, in fact, that I think I will be surprised if I don't fly in the afterlife.
This is the first of a series of Angel Wings I am making...there are 3 colors of this set of wings: Crimson, Gold, and Royal
March 21st, 2012
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Comments (3)

Cristopher Ernest
Very Cool Angel,....gonna end up being somebody's tattoo :o)
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you...ya, it does have a tattoo quality. Maybe I will make it my tattoo. ;)