"Take a dive into my curious mind. My muse leads me into continuous explorations of new ways to create art." Angelina Ramirez

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Books Are A Paradise Photograph by Angelina Ramirez

Comments (5)

Artist Nandika  Dutt

Artist Nandika Dutt

Congratulation on sale announcement and wonderful.

Gena Weiser

Gena Weiser

Very nice. Congratulations on your sale.

Angelina Vick

Angelina Vick

Thank you to the art collector in London, United Kingdom! I hope you art is a pleasure to you for years to come!

Carl Purcell

Carl Purcell

I used to belong to the Washington DC Ethical Society and like "going to church" attended every Sunday. When I mentioned to a friend that I belonged to the Ethical Society he said, "Oh, that's the religion where when you die you don't go to heaven, you go to the library."

Angelina Ramirez replied:


Kip DeVore

Kip DeVore

Very nice! Voted, Liked and Stumbled.

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you Kip!

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Books Are A Paradise by Angelina Ramirez
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