Not In Vain

by Angelina Ramirez
Original - Sold
18.000 x 24.000 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Not In Vain
Angelina Ramirez
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
All Rights Reserved by Angelina Vick, even after purchase of original.
Original artwork is sold with a Certificate of Authenticity.
This art is on a canvas board, which means you will have to have it framed to hang it.
The price includes shipping in the U.S.A. If you live outside the U.S.A. there will be additional shipping charges to the cost of the painting. If you give your location I can give you the shipping cost before you purchase it.****
Jesus saying "I make all things new" is what inspired this painting. Except I couldn't help but think about "how" He made all things new, so the painting ended up being a little darker and sadder than I intended. The painting is how He made all things new, and because of that, I felt I need to make the blood came down. The gold is His glory coming down from heaven and soaking into the earth. Purple is because I believe He is the King of Kings, and He came down to earth for us. There's no greater love than this...
April 30th, 2010
Comments (24)

Dean Harte
I can see how this would be one of your best sellers - very nice work Angelina, V/F!
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you Dean. I feel very connected to this piece. It was hard to photograph, I never really captured it.

Kip DeVore
Through His stripes we are healed. :)
Angelina Ramirez replied:
=) And saved. There are so many different points in the Bible that talk about the importance of blood. Every moment, of every day...I am thankful for the blood of Jesus Christ. He could have called down angels, he could have told the nails to get out of his body. I am always aware of His sacrifice, and I hold it in my heart.

Danielle Tennant Haney
This IS one of those images that does make some of us uncomfortable~ but the thoughts that follow the discomfort are PURE COMFORT. A VERY Special Piece Angel~ Thank You for creating it. :O)
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you very much Danielle, I am working on it a bit right now, some slight damage made creases on the stripes and I am repairing it. There is another artist that has expressed deep appreciation for it and we are trading art, this is the one he wants. It still makes me uncomfortable when I look at it.

Kip DeVore
...and the red paint drips are all perfectly or near-perfectly vertical -- probably a critical point in this work (if one of the streaks were off very much, it would possibly distract or conflict).

Kip DeVore
Wow, very horrible, penetrating, poignant, graphic, subtle and, as Ben and Kevin above say, in a word, "powerful". Thank you to Jesus for dying for my sins. Thank you for doing this, Angelina. Very nice subtle hint of cast light from right to left -- lending a "brightness" to it that very capably, I think, transcends the "darkness" of the painting you refer to in the description (very fine description too).
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you Kip...this remains to be the most uncomfortable painting I have made to date.

Kevin Callahan
A powerful work that lets the viewer decide: ending? or beginning? Nice.
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you Kevin. It's kind of odd when I look at this, it makes me feel uncomfortable...almost like I can't believe it came from me.