"Take a dive into my curious mind. My muse leads me into continuous explorations of new ways to create art." Angelina Ramirez

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Star Spangled Banner Mixed Media by Angelina Ramirez

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Comments (15)

Jake Danishevsky

Jake Danishevsky

You have great Patriotic Art. Great work!!!

Omar Hafidi

Omar Hafidi

Beautifully done Angelina...vf

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you so much Omar! =D

Roy McPeak

Roy McPeak

Awesome work Angelina! v/f!

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you very much Roy!

Guy Ricketts

Guy Ricketts

Love the rustic treatment of my all-time favorite flag in the world! :) vf

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you Guy! My favorite flag too. =)

Mo T

Mo T

Well done vintage art...stars and stripes...beautiful :) V!

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you very much Mo T!!

Paulette  Thomas

Paulette Thomas

Congrats on your Sale !!

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thanks Paulette!

Anupam Gupta

Anupam Gupta


Angelina Ramirez replied:


Sandra Bronstein

Sandra Bronstein

Congrats Angel - wonderful work!

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thanks Sandra! =)

Ginny Youngblood

Ginny Youngblood

Beautiful! Congradulations on your sale!

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you Ginny!

Julie Palencia

Julie Palencia

Congrats on your sale, Angelina.

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you Julie!

Kim Sy Ok

Kim Sy Ok

Congrats on your sale!!!

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you Kim!

John Rizzuto

John Rizzuto

was just looking through your Patriotic series. Very well done. Love the feel to all of them.

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you John. I meant to revisit these and do more, thanks for the compliments!

Ernie Echols

Ernie Echols

Nicely Done!!

Angelina Ramirez replied:

Thank you Ernie! =)

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Star Spangled Banner by Angelina Ramirez
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