USA Military
by Angelina Ramirez
USA Military
Angelina Ramirez
Mixed Media - Mixed Media
I served in the Navy, it was an experience that changed me for the better. I'm proud of my service, however, I look forward to a day when there are no more wars.
Texture for artwork from Flypaper Textures
October 1st, 2012
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Comments (65)
Marilyn Smith
Angelina, this is such an impressive and moving piece of art! I loved reading all the comments and I, too, want to thank you for your service. I am married to a veteran so understand completely. :)
Mel Steinhauer
Great use of silhouettes and such a patriotic tribute to our country's soldiers ! Excellent work, Angelina and congratulations on your sale !!
Angelina Ramirez replied:
=D Thank you so much Mel. I love the imagination that silhouette work invokes.
Danika Heath
Love it... My son is in the military!! One of my favs already ..First fav on my list..
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you Danika. Being on both sides of the military and family of active duty, I think being a family member is harder. You have no idea what is happening. Being supportive is so important.
Chrisann Ellis
Angelina, Wow this is Brilliant work and very moving!..Congrats on your excellent work and sale :)
Bob Orsillo
Powerful! Fantastic work of art Angelina! This says so much. Thanks you. v/f
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you so very much Bob. =) I also feel strength and power when I look at this. It's not the's the courage of conviction. I'm so glad you enjoy this piece!
Luke Moore
Love that grass against the faded flag... the silhouettes make this so strong too! Such strong emotion in this art...very nice tribute. Fav/Vote
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you very much Luke!! =D I love silhouette's like the darkness make my mind fill in the spaces...and gives room to imagination.