Wonderful Night

by Angelina Ramirez
Wonderful Night
Angelina Ramirez
Mixed Media - Mixed Media
Wonderful...full of wonder...I embrace the practice of looking for people who fill me with admiration...I want to remain amazed by the beauty and tragedies of life. Let me never grow numb of the world that surrounds me.
This is the Wonder Series. The series is four different women, and four different pieces each. They would look great hanging as a BW series, one if each style, or all four pieces in the same style.
The first one is a rainbow of colors, 2 is a spring/tropical mood, then there is BW, and lastly a version of the women at night. Each version has a very different atmosphere.
November 5th, 2012
Similar Subjects
Comments (14)

Nadine and Bob Johnston
Really like this one, good composition and processing, can see why it sold. Congratulations, and may there be many more, as their friends see your Artwork !
Angelina Ramirez replied:
Thank you very much! This series has become my most popular...I love that it celebrates femininity and form without selling sex, I guess I'm not the only one. =) Thank you so much for your lovely comment!

Angelina Vick
Triple purchase from an art collector in Boca Ratan FL! Thank you very much, I hope you immensely enjoy your new art! =D

Paul Lovering
Wow ... A most stunning series , top of the drawer artistry Angelina
Angelina Ramirez replied:
=D Thank you very much Paul! I have been working on this series for a long time...now I am exhaling, it's done.